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Bad Habits钢琴谱-Ed Sheeran

钢琴谱 2024-06-26 855

Bad Habits-Ed Sheeran五线谱预览1

Bad Habits-Ed Sheeran五线谱预览2

Bad Habits-Ed Sheeran五线谱预览3

Bad Habits-Ed Sheeran五线谱预览4

Bad Habits-Ed Sheeran五线谱预览5

Bad Habits-Ed Sheeran五线谱预览6

Bad Habits-Ed Sheeran五线谱预览7

英国流行乐男歌手Ed Sheeran时隔4年solo新单《Bad Habits》惊喜上线!粉色西服,尖锐獠牙,黄老板这次的吸血鬼形象完美地契合了这首歌。

Bad Habits》悠远的前奏勾勒出静谧的城市暗夜,而副歌ED收放自如的演唱配合动感的节拍陪衬,犹如潜伏在街道中的鬼魅,神秘中透露着张扬,压迫中又流露出优雅,整首歌高超的唱功展露于表。

Bad Habits歌词:

Every time you come around you know I can't say no

Every time the sun goes down I let you take control

I can feel the paradise before my world implodes

And tonight had something wonderful

My bad habits lead to late nights ending alone

Conversations with a stranger I barely know

Swearing this will be the last but it probably won't

I've got nothing left to lose or use or do

My bad habits to lead to wide eyes stare into space

And I know I lose control of the things that I say

I was looking for a way out now I can't escape

Nothing happens after two

It's true it's true

My bad habits lead to you

My bad habits lead to you

My bad habits lead to you

Every pure intention ends when the good times start

Falling over everything to reach the first times spark

Started under neon lights then it all got dark

I only know how to go too far

My bad habits lead to late nights ending alone

Conversations with a stranger I barely know

Swearing this will be the last but it probably won't

I've got nothing left to lose or use or do

My bad habits to lead to wide eyes stare into space

And I know I lose control of the things that I say

I was looking for a way out now I can't escape

Nothing happens after two

It's true it's true

My bad habits lead to you

My bad habits lead to you

We took the long way round

And burned 'til the fun ran out now

My bad habits lead to late nights ending alone

Conversations with a stranger I barely know

Swearing this will be the last but it probably won't

I've got nothing left to lose or use or do

My bad habits to lead to wide eyes stare into space

And I know I lose control of the things that I say

I was looking for a way out now I can't escape

Nothing happens after two

It's true it's true

My bad habits lead to you

My bad habits lead to you

My bad habits lead to you


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